Every Day: I MUST do my running exercises before I run and my stretches afterwards. No cross training until January 6th as directed by my ENT doctor.
Dec. 30 - Jan. 5
Monday: Five miles no pressure running - forecast makes it sound like I'll be on the treadmill. We'll see. Can do anytime as I'm off on break.
Done - I went five miles around town, did my exercises and stretched afterwards. Added a little core to that so I hit my goal 100%. Darn Nike Plus ap fell victim to Squirts quick start yanking the leash out of my hand and me chasing him, to the delight of Mike Tibken driving home for lunch, to Hilltop.
Tuesday: Six miles of tempo running. One three and 1/3rd miles at marathon pace. I have a doctor's appointment in the morning, so looking like an afternoon run outside hopefully (maybe in the snow with my new yaktracks).
Done - No snow today, so I ran from my house to Akers and back after my very successful Doctor's appointment. Infection is under control and things look great and I'm breathing like I did when I was 18! It must have done the trick because I ran a 8 minute 50 second average with 3 of the 6.72 miles at a 10 minute pace. Again, the phone ap didn't track me 100% as my battery wasn't fully charged, so I'm not 100% sure about my pace on my three miles of "Marathon Pace", but it had to be around 8:30 a mile to bring that average down. I also did my exercises before and stretches after, so again 100% hitting the goal.
Wednesday: New Years Day - four miles. Good thing, going to have to squeeze it in between waking up from New Year's Eve and the Outback Bowl party.
Done - Had to shovel some and got comfortable with the weather so grabbed Squirt and went for three miles, not four, in the snow and with my new running Yaktrax. Felt really good and took the picture that's on my most recent post. Discovered it was only 5 degrees, which is amazing figuring I usually don't run outside if it's below 10 degrees. Didn't stretch or do my exercises, the game was approaching faster than I wanted so I just went and then got ready for that.
Thursday: Tempo again (6 miles), three 3/4 mile stretches at marathon pace with four minute breaks between. Still off from break, so will do, most likely, in the afternoon.
Done - Did my six miles on the treadmill and I will say the ONLY advantage is that you can control the pace. But I hated every second. It was 5 degrees and windier than the other day. I did four marathon paced runs, not three and did my exercises and stretches.
Friday: Back to work, so I'll do my three miles in the morning either outdoors or on the treadmill.
Done - Did my three miles in the morning at the HWC... did the exercises.
Saturday: Just a two-three mile jog easy through town, or at the HWC, easy.
Done - The two in the HWC after basketball tournaments
Sunday: My first long run, an easy paced 10 mile run. Most likely start at home, got out and around the lake and add a two mile loop coming back. After church.
Done - Did the ten early Sunday morning before church on the treadmill. Wind Chill warning kept me indoors.
Total Miles: 37 (Actualy 35.5 miles)
Pre-Training week review:
I did 27 miles of just running. Over half the time I did my stretches and my exercises. No core or cross training as directed by the doctor. I overcame a slight hamstring and calf pull from running at the lake on snow covered trails.
Run at Lake Anita 12/27 |